Software for installing World of Warships mods. The new version does not require installation, and is unpacked in the folder from which it was launched Give it a try and more fun is guaranteed. Your ship battles can become much more thirilling and successful in just few clicks. Take a look to our WoWS mods list and pick your choose. These mods are additional features and can improve the quality of your game significantly. It's simply not possible outside of maybe some DARPA research program - compatibility with WoWs v.9.3.0 #15 (27-04-2020): - updated contour icons: Hualala - updated Crook's Modpack - updated clan icons - added Ribbon Badges: v1 and v2 - added skin FSI Missouri - added consumable icons by NineKunG_TH - added consumables from before WoWs v.9.3.0 #14 (23-04-2020) Are you a dedicated fan of World Of Warships? To motivate you even more, we have a special offer - world of warships mods. Get the best experience in games with WarPack Posted FebruBut Warpack can't predict human behaviour, even if it seems to be advertised with such a function. WarPack - mods for World of Tanks and World of Warships A set of modifications for a comfortable game.