Hit me up via PM if you feel confident that you can/want to take this on as long as I know who you want to write about. Also, if you have good writing skills and a love for the game and feel that you can add to the site I will gladly publish anything that I review and agree is up to the standards we have set thus far. If anyone has recommendations or requests I am always open to try and write up a Best Mods for any toon in the game, especially if the fans/players all seem to want to see the same ones.

I will be working on Chirrut Imwe this week since I just 7-starred him myself and want to fully realize his potential.

New additions to the Best Mods series are Kylo Ren and Baze Malbus. He is quite simply a brute, possessing pure unadulterated strength and ferocity that he unleashes through a double-bladed lightsaber. I also have a couple of Smithie D's mods videos linked on the page since we announced our media partnership a couple of weeks ago. Speaking of great villains, Savage Opress is arguably a bit of an underrated one in the series, overshadowed not only his brother but also his other masters throughout the show, such as Ventress and Dooku. So I am slowly working to "complete" the SWGoH Best Mods series on the site and will use this single post to update you all since we can all benefit from this.